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Acrylic Sandwich Frame

Test 1

Your poster depending on the size is sandwiched between 2 acrylic sheets and secured by chrome spacer screws. There will be a space between wall and the frame after installation.

We provide fabrication of non-standard sizes and the prices are determined by the following:

  1. The size of the acrylic sheets.
  2. If bevel edges are required for the sides
  3. Thickness of the 2 acrylic sheets such as
    3mm x 4mm
    4mm x 4mm
    4mm x 5mm
    5mm x 5mm

You can buy the acrylic sandwich frames individually or you can also get us to print your poster printing and install them on your premise.

Kindly take note that there will be minor drilling involved during installation and may be dusty.

Standard Acrylic Sandwich Frame Display Size:

  • A0 Acrylic Sandwich Frame
    841mm x 1189mm
  • A1 Acrylic Sandwich Frame
    594mm x 841mm
  • A2 Acrylic Sandwich Frame
    420mm x 594mm
  • A3 Acrylic Sandwich Frame
    297mm x 420mm
  • A4 Acrylic Sandwich Frame
    210mm x 297mm
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